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How To Find The Best AC Controls For You

When selecting a system of AC controls for your home or business, it’s easy to feel that you don’t have the expertise to make an informed decision. While at first glance this may seem like a pointlessly complicated decision, it truly doesn’t have to be. By following a few basic guidelines, any home or business owner can figure out how to choose the system that best fits their needs.
Learn About Your HVAC System
Any set of controls is optimized to work best for a specific type of heating and cooling system. Though you may not understand the terminology used, all that’s required is identifying what type of system you have installed. Once you’ve analyzed your setup, you can compare it to these descriptors:
– 1 Stage HVAC, which has separate units for heating and AC.
– 2 Stage HVAC, which has separate units that each have a high and a low speed.
– Direct Line Voltage, which uses direct current power to operate the thermostat.
– 24mV, which is used for floor or wall furnace units.
– Zoned HVAC, which is one system that can control individual sections of your home or business.
Any thermostat will be designed to work with one or more of these, and it’s up to you to determine whether or not any model you’re interested in will fit.
Select A Type
AC controls come with two basic types of interface:
Manual thermostats are old school, and perhaps you’ve seen them in a much older house. They’re operated by either knobs or handles, and because they don’t have any computerized features, they require users to change the temperature manually. It is a cheap option, but in today’s age it is very outdated.
Electronic thermostats allow users to interact with their HVAC network via a touch screen or other electronic device. They’re often programmable, allowing homeowners to have the temperature adjust automatically throughout the day. Because these AC controls are computerized, they tend to have a high degree of accuracy when it comes to the displayed temperature. They often allow access to both air conditioning and heating.
Once you’ve gone through the previous two steps, you still have plenty of options, particularly if you have selected programmable AC controls. For starters, the programmable thermostats have a variety of functions. Some allow you to set each day of the week separately ahead of time while some will only let you set a program for the whole week. In addition, you can choose models with different types of touch screens and backlights, different options for batteries, wiring, remote controls, and more.
Hopefully, this resource has cleared the air and made the process of choosing your AC controls a bit easier. Just like that, armed with a little knowledge, you can make a decision that fits your circumstances and your budget.


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